Fall 2024
Greetings Clan Forrester! Finally the weather is starting to cool off and you know what brings to mind. The Stone Mountain Games in October and they are just right around the corner. As I have said so very many times, for Sonia and I this is a great and exciting time of the year and we are always anxious to see everyone at the games and then at our house for the Ceilidh on Saturday night.
This year I am compelled to give an update on the clan and some of our opportunities and some of our struggles. Close to 40 years ago when we started helping Clan Forrester, Jerry Forrester got me to join the board and help to serve at the games and functions, I loved it from the beginning and then we became members of St Andrew’s of Atlanta and I am still currently a member of St Andrew’s Society of Savannah. We were the youngest members on the board for many years, but now we are the old ones!! Not the oldest, but not the youngest. Most of us on the board are within a few years of each other with Betty being our longest serving and our son Bill being the youngest. We are eternally grateful to all of our board members and regional representatives for their help and service. What we do is a labor of love and I believe that it is so important to keep our heritage alive and vibrant.
Just think of how many times you wished that you could just go back and ask a friend or relative a question. Once gone the memories and knowledge usually go with our family and loved ones when they pass on. Not many people really take the time to write down the stories and history of lives and memories. We struggle to keep this stuff alive and try to enjoy our heritage at every opportunity. We strive to keep it all alive. Not just remembered, but alive and always in mind where we are a part.
Ever wonder why there are kilted pipe and drum bands for so many organizations? Cities, fire departments, police, our military, and at memorials and think “I like it but they are not Scottish!”. Well they have them because THEY ARE GREAT! They inspire and heighten feelings and emotions of duty and honor. Something special to be sure. Our heritage has touched and inspired many many people that wish to emulate that which touches them with soul and purpose. Think about that. Our heritage, because as descendants of Scotland we already have it in us!
What I am slowly getting to is that we need help, for our clan. We need help on the board and at the games. We need some help and yes, relief with the duties of keeping this effort alive and going. Membership, Merchandise, Editor, Secretary, Treasurer, VP and yes, President. Manning the tent for a while, sign up to be a regional commissioner or help them at the games they support for us. Like I said, we are not getting younger! Contact us and help to keep this great and noble effort going and alive.
Yours Aye,
Wil Newman
President, Clan Forrester, USA